We are very pleased to announce that Dr Andreas Bücker is joining the team at CAS. Andreas holds a PhD in Musicology from Cambridge University. As well as the assistance of his extraordinary ears in assessing audio components, we look forward to the benefit of his broad and deep knowledge of music in helping to guide our work.
From an early age, Andreas has listened extensively to live performances and recordings of all genres of classical music, and he is a frequent tester of high-end audio components, exploring ways to optimise the technical reproduction of sound.
Reviewing live performances for leading print and online media has provided him with ample opportunities to evaluate first-hand the acoustics of opera houses and concert halls worldwide. And he is far too shy to say anything about his own skills as a pianist.
After working in the data-driven tech sector for several years, Andreas set up an international consultancy company successfully advising industry federations on a wide range of EU-level initiatives. Given this, we are grateful that he has found the time to join us here at CAS.